Sunday, October 21, 2007

Kimchi Chige Soup~

Have you experienced food that tasted so bad that it just spoilt your day? This Kimchi Chige Soup was one such example. i was at the food court in cineleisure this afternoon and came across this korean food stall (which looked quite promising) and decided to give it a try... (Deh~ bad decision...).
Firstly, the appearance looked un-appetizing, the kimchi looked as though it has been left out in the open for too long and looked somewhat dehydrated...

Next the glass noodle was gooey and eeky, and there were quite a number of sliced cabbage stalk that should have been discarded instead of adding 'em to the soup. i also didn't like the way they included luncheon meat cubes into the soup.
I ended up fishing out the cabbage and tofu and avoided the rest. The only good thing about it was that the soup was very spicy and that's just about it...


Rei said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with Chige soup. Please take a look at Obachan's Kitchen and Garden Balcony blog and see her wonderfully delicious looking Chige soup.
Please try it again at a nicer restaurant or homemade.

Longan said...

Well, luckily this was the only eeky Kimchi soup i've had so far.

Thanx for the recommendation, Rei :) Will try them out someday.