Monday, December 11, 2006

Jelly & Custard Gateau~

i woke up at 5 plus in the morning today to see my bro off at the airport, feeling sleepy at the moment ya. Anyway, before i 'concuss' ;p... i managed to whip up this jelly with strawberries and dried cranberries, custard dessert. There was no baking involve ya, just boiling, waiting for the custard and jelly to cool before refrigerating it ya.

This experimental dessert turned out so-so only ya. i didn't add enough butter to the crushed digestive biscuits that formed the base layer. And as a result, the biscuit crust didn't hold well and lost it form when i cut a slice out ya :(... Other then that, the custard and jelly layer were refreshing ya~ :)

Hmmm... now what should i make for tomorrow?

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